The Africa Centre for Theological Studies Library has evolved through the years. It was established out of the desires of the founding fathers of the Great Commission Movement (GCM) of Nigeria in Jos in 1998 at the GCM Nigeria compound, to carve out a niche for sound research and teaching in the seminary and also support spiritual development intending to train Christ-like leaders in Africa and beyond. The library supports ACTS educational programmes through a broad spectrum of collections of over 8,000 volumes and the seating capacity is constantly being increased to user’s ratio.
- The ACTS-Library have six sections:
- Circulation Section – General Theological Collections
- Reference Section – Reference Collections
- Reserve Section – Reserve Collections
- Africana Section – African Theological Titles or Authors
- Archive Section – Archival Collections
- Serial Section
- Presently the ACTS-Library has successfully:
- Installed a network of computer systems with full internet access facilities for the promotion of a conducive learning and teaching environment for students and faculty members
- Installed the OPALS library management system for the automation and effective management of the library routinely services. Students can have access to the entire collections of ACTS-Library remotely.
Purpose of the Library
The purpose of the ACTS-Library is to provide stress-free access to quality theological educational resources. The library also ensures effective services to support the teaching, learning and research needs of the seminary.