THS501 Systematic Theology 1

God, Bible, Holy Spirit


March 8- 19, 2021

Time - 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Monday - Friday


Instructor: Dr. Vic Reasoner



Course Description: In Bibliology: the Bible’s self-understanding, the canon of Scripture, inspiration, inerrancy, authority, sufficiency, perspicuity, and historical reliability; rationalist and pluralist critiques of the Bible; In Theology Proper: nature of revelation, the nature and attributes of God, and God’s continuing work in the world today; the Trinity; person and work of the Holy Spirit. This course will interact with African worldview(s) and issues, as well as discuss the importance of these doctrines for contemporary Africa. (3 credit hours)        


Course Objectives: By the end of this course the student will be able to


$     Explain the necessity of an infallible base of authority.

$     Defend the Holy Scriptures as our final authority for doctrine

$     Resolve doctrinal questions using the proper methodology of systematic theology

$     Defend the existence of God and articulate a biblical theology of his nature.

$     Connect theology and doxology, leading a congregation to defend the faith and worship the true God.

$     Preach and/or teach how the Holy Spirit is the “executive of the Godhead.”

$     Explain why the doctrine of the Trinity matters.