Course Description


This course will focus on areas of Ethics as they relate to the various contexts of the student in relationship to the Christian life both in their personal as well as church leadership.  Ethical theories will be discussed as well as how having a Biblical Worldview will effect ones ethical decisions.  Case studies will be used as a primary vehicle to demonstrate a proper response to ethical dilemmas as experienced by students today.


Bible Study Methods 

EXP 501 

3 Credit Hours


This course combines Bible study methods with biblical hermeneutics. A comprehensive survey is conducted of the basic processes of observation, interpretation, application, and correlation in Bible study. Regarding hermeneutics, the course examines the principles of biblical interpretation with particular focus on the historical-grammatical method. Attention is also given to developments and trends in hermeneutics in the African as well as the western world.

Theology 2: Humanity, Christ, Salvation (3 Credit hours)


Course Description

Theological Anthropology: humanity in light of creation, the Imago Dei, human ecological stewardship, gender, hamartiology; Christology: person and work of Christ, incarnation and hypostatic union, virgin birth, resurrection, impeccability; Salvation: nature and models of the atonement, predestination, calling, repentance, faith, conversion, justification, adoption, assurance, sanctification, glorification.

LDR : Theological Foundations of Leadership 3 Credit Hours


This course provides a theological and philosophical basis for leadership, framed within contemporary worldviews. Metaphors, forms, styles, functions, responsibilities and character of leaders are explored within a framework of justice, truth and accountability, considering dynamics of Church-State relations, for empowering leaders and their followers to be agents of transformation.